Post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) in pipe welding is required if the weld material exceeds a specified thickness, though its exact temperatures depend on chemical makeup of material and are specified by ASME B31.3 code table 331.1.1.
Section VIII provides several appendices which contain both mandatory and non-mandatory rules.
The annealing process is used to alter the physical properties of metals and alloys, including relieving internal stresses, increasing ductility, toughness and homogeneity, decreasing cracking risk and improving corrosion resistance. Annealing involves heating then cooling material at controlled rates; temperature and rate of cooling have an impactful impact on phase composition and grain structure as well as distribution of various phases such as austenite or ferrite that affect mechanical properties.
ASME Section VIII Division I is an appendix that includes mandatory and non-mandatory appendices which contain design criteria, non-destructive examination methods and inspection acceptance standards for pressure vessels. Although often complex and difficult to understand, Integripedia offers a concise yet simplified explanation of this significant engineering standard by detailing its history, principles and practical applications.
Division 3 provides rules that apply to pressure vessels that operate at internal or external operating pressures of at least 10,000 psi, more stringent than Division 1. This section allows higher stress intensity values than Division 1, while also outlining requirements for human occupancy pressure vessels primarily used by diving industries. Being familiar with all three divisions of ASME Section VIII will allow you to make better business decisions.
The ASME Section VIII Division 1 standard establishes rules and guidelines for designing, fabricating, inspecting and testing pressure vessels operating with internal or external pressure exceeding 15 psig. This standard covers many industries and applications – including oil & gas production, chemical processing and power generation – while offering clear guidelines on creating, inspecting and certifying these pressure vessels in order to guarantee their safety and reliability.
This code features formulas and rules which use industry experience to guide vessel designs, yielding more conservative rules than other sections. These regulations include a safety factor of 3.5 on tensile strength as well as yield and temperature considerations. In addition, there are extensive nondestructive examination requirements, including radiographic tests, magnetic particle inspections and penetration tests.
Normalization involves the establishment of an allowable stress line for each material at various temperatures, with the lowest line governing. This allows greater flexibility in design calculations, using thinner materials without increasing costs, while at the same time increasing design options and flexibility in design calculations. In addition, other restrictions exist regarding material selection, impact test requirements, welding processes, mandatory/non-mandatory appendices with design criteria/methodologies/inspection acceptance standards as well as rules pertaining to using U, UM or UV ASME product certification marks for pressure vessels.
ASME Section VIII Division 1 provides rules and regulations for the design, fabrication, examination, inspection, testing and certification of pressure vessels. Additionally, this code contains both mandatory and non-mandatory appendices outlining additional design criteria, nondestructive examination techniques and acceptance standards that supplement standard requirements. Furthermore, this code specifies requirements for several classes of materials used to construct pressure vessels as well as welding/fabrication methods as well as testing requirements, stamping stamping stamping certification processes as part of final certification of vessels.
Division 1 uses formulas and rules derived from industry experience to guide vessel thicknesses, but this can result in overly-large vessels which often do not suit their intended application. To overcome this problem, PD 5500 and EN 13445 were created as guidelines that offer designers more options for creating lighter vessels and exchangers.
Division 2 differs from Division 1 by being designed using an “analysis-by-design” process, which requires more complex calculations and more stringent stress intensity values – making it suitable for human occupancy pressure vessels (particularly diving industry vessels) such as diving tanks. Furthermore, more stringent quality control procedures must be observed under Division 2.
Hydrotesting is the primary means of verifying pressure-bearing capacity and leak-tightness of piping systems, used by companies to ensure their equipment meets code requirements and is safe to operate. Faulty systems can cause significant damage, injuries and even deaths; in addition to incurring more operational downtime and costs for their owners – and hydrotesting provides a solution by identifying problems before they arise and taking measures to address them before disaster occurs.
Hydrotests may not always provide an adequate test of piping systems’ integrity. Welds and joints may contain internal defects which cannot be detected by water; additionally, failure during hydrotests could indicate welds near their null ductility point and would constitute an unsafe failure scenario.
Also, water used in hydrotesting may contain contaminants such as chlorides that can cause pitting corrosion or stress corrosion cracking in stainless steel, thus necessitating pneumatic testing instead of water testing. However, nuclear applications require water testing; additionally, high quality water must be used since any potential risks for contamination and corrosion would otherwise be too great; additionally, all hydrogen gas must be eliminated from this water source before testing takes place.