A Qualified PWHT Company Is Essential For Your Project

Post-weld heat treatment (PWHT), commonly referred to as stress relief, involves heating and cooling welds to alleviate residual stresses that could otherwise lead to cracking and fractured welds. PWHT involves specific rates, tolerances and times at temperature that Wisconsin Oven furnaces offer for maximum stress-relief. Annealing, normalizing and stress relieving are just some of its applications for PWHT treatments.


Post weld heat treatment (PWHT), commonly referred to as stress relief heat treatment, tempers the metal and reduces residual stresses caused by welding, thus decreasing fatigue cracking rates and increasing resistance against brittle fracture. PWHT is an essential step in maintaining integrity for structures or equipment exposed to dynamic loads.

Energy costs must be carefully evaluated, along with temperature tolerances and duration of heating/cooling cycles, in order to prevent damaging effects such as distortion, temper embrittlement, oversoftening or reheat cracking. Professional advice should be sought regarding appropriate timings and temperatures when undertaking this process.

Axiom HT offers more than traditional PWHT techniques; we also have a revolutionary, patent-pending blended heating and cooling system which offers significant time savings when performing on-site services, and can get your plant or pipeline back online faster. Furthermore, this advanced system saves fuel and other operational costs while producing top quality results – contact Axiom HT today to discover this breakthrough technology!


PWHT requires significant amounts of energy to heat and cool a workpiece, which may present environmental concerns when multiple cycles are used to maintain equipment lifecycles. Composite materials offer an alternative that provides enough strength and stiffness without necessitating hot works or extensive welding operations.

Our EL 3000 chart recorder comes equipped with a forced natural air cooling fan to increase cooling effect and extend working time, and offers various options and functions making it user friendly.

Our Axi-Therm blended heating and cooling process can save your project hours off of its traditional on-site PWHT process, getting it back online more quickly. Furthermore, this innovative technology can eliminate multiple PWHT cycles altogether for reduced environmental impacts.


PWHT involves heating the weldment to high temperatures before rapidly cooling it, in order to relieve residual stresses and improve material strength, corrosion resistance, toughness and fatigue resistance. PWHT is an increasingly common practice within the oil and gas industry and should only be performed by qualified companies.

An ideal PWHT provider must possess experience and knowledge of welding, piping and pressure vessel design as well as relevant codes and standards. Furthermore, the firm must understand the significance of controlling temperature during PWHT to maintain weldment integrity as well as select the most effective PWHT method based on individual welding processes and materials.

Different welding codes have slightly differing PWHT requirements, which is understandable; however, some variations can be significant and could pose safety concerns; this is particularly evident for power piping codes like NBEP and B31.1 that use PWHT temperature requirements as a safety standard.

Composite materials offer an efficient alternative to thermal PWHT for repairing or reinforcing pressure equipment, saving time, resources and money while eliminating expensive hot work. Furthermore, using composites reduces environmental concerns related to energy consumption and emissions; PWHT consumes an excessive amount of electrical energy and emits greenhouse gases that harm our atmosphere.


Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT), also referred to as Stress Relieving, is performed after welding to improve weld microstructure and reduce any residual stresses generated during welding. PWHT/SR may be required on certain projects involving steel and metal fabrication such as storage tanks, refineries, offshore works buildings pressure vessels oil& gas oil& gas bridges etc. to reduce risks such as brittle fracture, corrosion and stress cracking that arise due to dynamic loading conditions. The process reduces failure due to these causes by providing increased strength in such structures without risk due to dynamic loading conditions by stress cracking caused by dynamic loading conditions during welding.

PWHT not only reduces and redistributes residual stresses, but it also tempers weldments by lowering their hardness, increasing ductility and decreasing susceptibility to brittle fracture. Furthermore, higher temperatures used during PWHT allow precipitation and ageing effects to take place, further reducing hardness while simultaneously increasing ductility and strength.

PWHT can be an effective method of minimizing structural defects; however, its energy consumption and potential environmental issues pose major drawbacks. As an alternative, many organizations are turning towards composite materials as an option to repair pressure equipment more quickly while protecting the environment more safely. Installation without extensive hot work or welding also presents additional environmental advantages; in addition to being lighter materials that can help repair existing equipment or reinforce structural repairs more easily than PWHT would.