Post weld heat treatment (PWHT), an essential step in the construction of pressure vessels and pipes, is often mandated by industry standards to ensure weld microstructure is resilient, reduce residual stress that weakens materials, and help prevent potential brittle fractures.
However, this process can be time-consuming and expensive due to energy costs associated with heating and cooling cycles.
Pressure Equipment
Pressure equipment is used in numerous industrial processes to store and transport fluids or gases at high pressure, including boilers, pressure vessels, steam pipelines and other pressurized devices that ensure safe production lines.
Strict regulations and standards governing the design, construction and testing of pressure equipment ensure its safety and reliability; however, unexpected emergencies such as fire hazards, explosions or hazardous liquid or gas leakages may still arise unexpectedly requiring operators to know how to react quickly and accurately in order to minimize risks.
To avoid these complications, it is essential to regularly inspect and maintain pressure equipment – this may occur as frequently as once every three years depending on its application and manufacturer requirements. Operators should be familiar with product regulations, and be sure that inspections are performed by an accredited inspection body.
Pressure Equipment and Gas Appliance manufacturers rely on us for an array of services in both sectors – from performing conformity assessments against various schemes to quality assurance and training services. This is particularly important considering the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED), which sets requirements for all pressure equipment sold within Europe, regardless of its source; thus making it simpler for manufacturers to sell their products across all member states without going through separate approval processes for each state individually.
Oil and Gas
Oil and gas are natural resources used to power the global economy, including transportation, electricity generation, heating, manufacturing and more. The oil and gas industry includes companies who explore for these resources beneath Earth’s surface before drilling them up and processing them into products like gasoline and jet fuel for sale to consumers. Furthermore, this sector must ensure compliance with applicable safety and regulatory measures with its operations requiring various pieces of specialized equipment for its operations.
The oil and gas industry can be divided into three major segments: upstream, midstream and downstream. Upstream companies specializing in exploration and production (E&P) find reservoirs and drill for petroleum wells while middlestream transporters transport raw materials from wells to refineries while downstream companies sell finished products like gasoline at gas stations.
Crude oil is typically transported by pipelines, tankers or barges and trains and processed into other products like diesel and jet fuel before being stored as liquefied natural gas (LNG) before it’s shipped via pipelines or LNG tankers to end users across the world. The industry is subject to regulation from various federal, state, and local agencies including: Bureau of Land Management leasing federal lands for drilling purposes while Environmental Protection Agency enforces pollution rules related to industry activity.
Nuclear Power
Nuclear power has long been recognized as a safe, low-carbon source of electricity generation. Used in over 31 countries to generate power without emitting greenhouse gases, 413 power reactors produce around 9% of world energy without creating greenhouse gas emissions. Nuclear technology also has many other important applications beyond power production such as radioisotope production and non-stationary nuclear reactors that provide process heat or naval propulsion.
U.S. commercial nuclear power plants total 99 and are currently operational, most being “light water” reactors which use standard water as their coolant source; some foreign reactors however use other forms of coolants such as helium gas (known in Canada as “heavy water”) or liquid metal to keep their cores cool.
Atoms resemble mini solar systems, with a central nucleus consisting of protons and neutrons surrounded by electrons in orbit around it. When hit with a neutron beam, their nuclei can split apart easily, unleashing incredible amounts of energy. Nuclear power plants generate electricity by fissioning uranium that has been enhanced to split more easily; the fission process releases heat which boils water to turn turbines and generate electricity. Irradiation can also be used to sterilize food or materials without making food radioactive or altering its nutritional value.
Structural engineering encompasses an expansive set of activities related to the design, analysis, optimization and monitoring of civil, mechanical, aerospace, geotechnical, offshore and maritime structures. This branch of engineering uses solid mechanics (which pertains to load distribution), fluid mechanics (which governs movement) and dynamic theory – among others – in its calculations of structures’ responses to time-dependent loads.
Engineering structural analysis specialists are responsible for designing and analyzing civil structures such as bridges, buildings, tunnels, dams, foundations, earthworks and other civil structures with great care and attention. When creating these designs they must ensure these structures are strong and stable enough to withstand structural loads such as gravity, wind, snow, seismic (earthquake) pressures earth pressure traffic temperature effects fatigue etc. Additionally they must consider human comfort levels over their lifespans while considering future performance expectations of these structures.
Engineers use mathematics, physics and materials science knowledge of different construction materials to design structural systems and structures. Engineers must possess an in-depth understanding of their chosen materials’ density, hardness, stiffness, compressive-tensile-shear strengths as well as fatigue corrosion effects – an especially essential consideration when working in harsh environments like underwater or industrial facilities.