Welding Inspection Technician Job Description

Perform and oversee preheating and post weld heat treatment of pipes of various sizes. PWHT is necessary to improve weld microstructure and reduce residual stresses that arise during welding. Prep heat bands and thermocouple placement for preheating and postweld heat treatment of welds. Setup leads for heat stress equipment, monitor preheat charts, monitor leads to the equipment, provide leads for heat stress equipment as needed and document (heat treatment temperature charts) for Quality personnel. Welding Qualifications As a welding inspection technician, it will be expected of you to possess an in-depth knowledge of welding techniques and applications. Furthermore, you may also need to conduct surface-level analyses on materials you work …

What Does a PWHT Technician Do?

Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) is an essential element of metal fabrication to reduce residual stresses and enhance material properties. Gain insight into its significance by learning more about which welding applications benefit from PWHT treatment. Understand the industry standards and codes related to PWHT. Study common methods for PWHT control heating/cooling rates. Qualifications PWHT (Pressure Water heat treatment) is a thermal process in which weld material is subjected to high temperatures before being slowly cooled off, in order to redistribute residual stresses in welds and improve its metallurgical properties. While PWHT helps alleviate residual stresses in welds and improve their properties, it may cause distortion and warping of pressure …

PWHT Procedure Asme B31 3

Post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) helps alleviate residual stresses in the welding region that could threaten brittle fracture. ASME B31.3 Clause 331.1.1 and Table 331.1.3 establish specific PWHT requirements based on pipe material. However, certain pre-heat temperatures can exempt PWHT requirements in certain situations. 1. Welding Temperature Temperature plays an essential part in welding. It regulates how fast heat escapes and thus how quickly welded joints cool, so it is vital that welders know the temperature of their steel before starting their welding processes. Many factors affect welding temperatures including type of metal used, thickness of material being welded on, welding process used and time needed. Typical welding codes specify a …

The Importance of Post Weld Heat Treatment

Welding leaves residual stresses behind that can erode material properties. Post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) may be required to reduce these stresses and restore original material properties. PWHT uses a controlled ramp-soak profile at temperatures below the material’s initial transformation temperature to reheat welded material in an area known as the heated zone, or gradient control band, surrounding an unheated section requiring thermal insulation in order to achieve an acceptable temperature gradient. Stress Relief Post weld heat treatment (PWHT) is a crucial part of welding process. It serves to decrease residual stresses in materials that have been welded together and increase mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. Furthermore, PWHT may help prevent …

Post Weld Heat Treatment Jobs

Post weld heat treatment (PWHT) is often required by codes for materials over a certain thickness, usually to meet service requirements or prevent changes caused by cooling too quickly. Utilizing and overseeing PWHT equipment. Assembling and providing temperature charts of PWHT equipment to quality personnel and management. Qualifications PWHT technicians specialize in preheating and postweld heat treatments on pipes and equipment, which includes preheating the weld area before setting up all leads to heat stress equipment, monitoring preheat charts and providing documentation to quality personnel and management. PWHT techs ensure their equipment complies with company, quality, client, and regulatory standards. PWHT technicians use various pieces of equipment, such as electric …

ASME B31.3 Post Weld Heat Treatment Requirements

ASME B31.3 covers the design, construction, inspection and maintenance of process piping systems used for transporting chemicals, oil or gas within industries. These piping systems may include boilers or heat exchangers. Post weld heat treatment (PWHT) reduces the likelihood of brittle fracture in welded steel components and is required as specified by Clause 331.1.1 and Table 331.1.1. Welding Procedures Procedures used to weld pipes are subject to various codes, which dictate their design according to specific requirements. Each procedure submitted for approval by a Procedure Engineer requires review in order to assess if they meet all necessary criteria; using their professional discretion they can determine whether a procedure will work …

PWHT Technician Vacancy

Electrical Heat Treatment services for components used in power generation, refining, and petrochemical industries. Employs both Electric and Gas techniques to achieve desired results for different applications. Follows instructions and pre-established guidelines in order to complete work activities. May assist a Senior Technician on various projects. Qualifications PWHT Technician responsibilities involve performing electrical and mechanical heat treatment services for components used in refining, power, construction and petrochemical industries. This involves heating components normally to extreme temperatures to achieve specific results such as hardening or softening of material. This position assists Senior Technicians in carrying out projects associated with providing industrial maintenance services as well as supporting clients and coworkers throughout …

The Women’s Hockey League (PWHL) Offers a Brand With a Strong Chance for Long-Term Success

At a time when brand is often more important than substance, the inaugural season of the Professional Women’s Hockey League (PWHL) offers a blueprint with great promise for long-term success. The PWHT Podcast explores the challenges, victories, and key lessons that define hockey success. Join us as we interview experts from various fields like sport psychology, skills coaching, nutritionists and more for this informative journey! What is hockey? Hockey is an action-packed team sport where two teams of eleven players vie against one another to score goals on an icy surface. Long curved sticks used by players aim pucks into opposing team goals with long shots known as shots on …

Post-Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) Requirements

Post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) in pipe welding is required if the weld material exceeds a specified thickness, though its exact temperatures depend on chemical makeup of material and are specified by ASME B31.3 code table 331.1.1. Section VIII provides several appendices which contain both mandatory and non-mandatory rules. Annealing The annealing process is used to alter the physical properties of metals and alloys, including relieving internal stresses, increasing ductility, toughness and homogeneity, decreasing cracking risk and improving corrosion resistance. Annealing involves heating then cooling material at controlled rates; temperature and rate of cooling have an impactful impact on phase composition and grain structure as well as distribution of various phases …

ASME Section VIII PWHT Requirements

ASME Section VIII contains an array of regulations and guidelines designed to protect pressure vessels, from their design through construction, inspection, and testing. It covers developing, constructing, inspecting and testing processes as well. McEnerney recommended raising the minimum temperature for PWHT testing of SS4 materials from 800degF to 1200degF, in line with Lundin and Khan (Ref. 6). PWHT Requirements ASME Section VIII Div 1 table UCS-56 [1] shows there is significant variance among PWHT requirements of different codes for pressure vessels and piping, due to engineering applications (e.g. design stress criteria) or different inherent Charpy test requirements as well as differences in allowable defect sizes through inspection codes. Post weld …